
Longzhize Transmission Technology (Jiangsu) Co., LTD HONEST MANAGEMENT IS TRUSTWORTHY


Detailed description of reducer housing

2022-05-09 09:51:01 lzzcdkj 3

Detailed description of reducer housing:

Reducer shell is related to the reducer appearance, the quality of the product is an important goal!

Reducer shell is thin, easy to crack products, forming oil leakage, forming insufficient lubrication, heat dissipation is not good, affecting the use of reducer.

Trachoma on the reducer casing will also produce the above problems, but the relative speed is slower.

The primer of the reducer shell must be done well, which is one of the most important links to avoid rust and oil leakage of the reducer shell. The primer shell should pay attention to the appearance.

Reducer housing can not be hit with a heavy hammer, but not heavy fall.

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