
Longzhize Transmission Technology (Jiangsu) Co., LTD HONEST MANAGEMENT IS TRUSTWORTHY


Cycloid reducer to reduce temperature method

2022-05-09 09:50:53 lzzcdkj 4

Cycloid reducer to reduce the temperature of the method:

The operating temperature of smooth oil in cycloid reducer should not exceed 90 degrees Celsius. High temperature will change the physical and chemical properties of oil. For example, reducing the viscosity of the smooth oil reduces the carrying capacity of the smooth oil film, which may lead to direct contact of the working tooth surface and the occurrence of tooth surface bonding.

There are three ways of cooling cycloid reducer, which are described as follows:

1. Natural cooling: if the general box body is not satisfied with the heat dissipation requirements, the heat dissipation fin can be added outside the box body. The setting of the heat dissipation fin should make the air circulate naturally.

2. Fan cooling: if the natural cooling of the box body alone is not satisfactory, fan cooling can be used.

3. Water cooling: the oil pool of cycloid reducer is equipped with a serpentine water pipe. The serpentine water pipe is generally made of copper or brass.

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